The program focuses on three areas to help you become a successful illustrator: Know the techniques and skills that captivate children's minds, sustain their attention, and enrich the reading experience.
You will focus on learning how to translate text into imagery that children can process and enjoy while also sharing accurate information. Learn how to capture the imagination, delight the senses, and engage the minds of millions of children daily. Gain the skills and education needed to become a children's book illustrator when you enroll in the Children’s Book Illustration certification program. Engage the Minds of Children by Learning the Skills to Become a Successful Children’s Book Illustrator *LIVE ONLINE classes are fully online with live virtual class meetings each week using our Zoom conferencing system. *ONLINE classes have pre-recorded lectures each week and guided assignments from the instructor. We will resume in-person classes when it is deemed safe to do so. We have transitioned many of our courses to an ONLINE* or LIVE ONLINE* format, in an effort to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. UC San Diego Extension remains committed to helping you achieve your educational goals.